
Dr Jennifer Rao-Williams

Knowledge Exchange and Impact LinkedIn Scopus

Jennifer holds a PhD in Human Geography from the University of Dundee which focused on multi-actor learning in disaster risk reduction (SGSSS in collaboration with the Scottish Government Resilience Division, awarded 2019). Prior to this, Jennifer obtained an MRes in Sustainable Development from the University of St Andrews investigating how resilience framing influences effective implementation of Community Emergency Plans.

They have over 12 years experience in policy related research predominantly centred around social justice, creating more liveable, healthier cities and resilient communities. They are particularly interested in fostering creative practices that can enable pathways towards transformative futures, particularly around aspects of resilience and learning. Prior to joining DesignHOPES, Jennifer held Research Associate positions at the Stockholm Environment Institute within the Nature Society Relations, and Environments and Human Health research groups including Citizen Science Research Group Coordinator, and the Institute for Ethics and Transformation Sustainability Research, at the University Leuphana University Lüneburg working on the projects GLOCULL – Globally and LOCally-sustainable food-water-energy innovation in Urban Living Labs, and TRANSFORM, an international consortium of hubs that help accelerate sustainability entrepreneurship in local spaces.

Alongside applied research, Jennifer has held key roles in Researcher Development, previously as a Researcher Enhancement Officer, at the University of Dundee where they coordinated the successful submission of the HR Excellence in Research Award (8-year external review) and led on the 2019-2020 Action Plan. They were also responsible for implementing a range of university-wide initiatives relating to the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers (governance and engagement activities).

They are a mentor with the SGSSS Career Pathways Mentoring Scheme and Young Enterprise Scotland. They have been a Vitae Researcher Development Conference panel review member for two consecutive years (2023 and 2024). They have also developed and delivered Knowledge Exchange and Impact training with Skillfluence, working with over 34 universities in the UK and China.

A collaborative project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, as part of the Future Observatory programme, and led by the University of Strathclyde and University of Dundee (DJCAD), with Heriot-Watt University, Abertay University, and the University of Edinburgh, NHS Scotland, industry partners, and public sector stakeholders.