Dr. Laura McLean
Dr. Laura MacLean is a research associate and part 2 architect. Her PhD focused on architecture, urbanism, and people-environment relationships. Currently, her research explores the reciprocal relationship between people and nature, emphasising the benefits derived from natural environments with a focus on health and wellbeing.
Laura joined the DMEM department following three years of post-doctoral experience as a social scientist. Her current role draws on her interdisciplinary background of architecture, design, social science and research to explore innovative solutions to translate health policies into actionable design solutions.

Events, Projects, News

Working from Home
empowering home-based workers to contribute actively to NHS Scotland net-zero objectives

Mosaic Landscapes
board game that engages communities in designing inclusive healthcare gardens to enhance health and wellbeing

Pharmaceutical Waste
exploring innovative design solutions to reduce medication waste in care homes

Community Growing
co-designing spaces and services to enhance health, wellbeing, and community resilience through nature-based solutions