Supporting a green and just transition for NHS Scotland

The Fabric of Matter

The Fabric of Matter supports NHS Scotland’s efforts to reduce plastic waste by exploring innovative ways to repurpose single-use PPE and other materials, turning potential waste into sustainable resources.

The common single-use PPE items made from plastic could all be re-manufactured in various architectural applications. This graphic shows the type of healthcare objects and products which could be formed using the plastic from these waste streams.

About the Project

The overarching goal of this project is to assist NHS Health Boards across Scotland to understand and harness the potential of their plastic waste streams.

NHS Scotland is striving to embed robust environmental stewardship practices, focusing on reducing plastic waste in healthcare settings. However, in some cases, including single-use PPE plastics, it’s not always clear if and how they can be safely, efficiently and effectively recycled.

We are working collaboratively with design practitioners who work with recycled plastic, to create viable test-samples from existing NHS Scotland waste. This testing, at small scale, will create case-studies on the viability of repurposing parts of the NHS current waste streams that currently end up in landfill or incineration.

A collaborative project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, as part of the Future Observatory programme, and led by the University of Strathclyde and University of Dundee (DJCAD), with Heriot-Watt University, Abertay University, and the University of Edinburgh, NHS Scotland, industry partners, and public sector stakeholders.