Supporting a green and just transition for NHS Scotland


This theme aims to link design research with behaviour change and understandings of place to co-design physical spaces, services, and interventions.

The projects in this theme seek to foster mechanisms for NHS communities (of practitioners, staff, patients, carers and service users) to coalesce around pressing healthcare issues and, in the process of co-designing and coproducing solutions, provide a route to active engagement focused on sustainability issues.

Projects will empower individuals to connect and collaborate as they help generate future healthcare solutions. We will examine the role of citizen sourcing on the design and delivery of NHS initiatives.



Mountainhall Treatment Centre
New Craigs Hospital
The Stove Network
One Health Breakthrough Partnership
NHS 24
NHS Tayside

A collaborative project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, as part of the Future Observatory programme, and led by the University of Strathclyde and University of Dundee (DJCAD), with Heriot-Watt University, Abertay University, and the University of Edinburgh, NHS Scotland, industry partners, and public sector stakeholders.