Sustainable Exploratory Projects
This theme includes projects that are more speculative in nature whilst exploring new and innovative ways of presenting successful green transition initiatives to the public, with a focus on creating proofof-concept demonstrators that validate such activities. The theme will propose paradigm shifts in the way we present to the public our successes as follows: the manner in which we manage leaders and train staff of the health and care sectors; the way we design solutions by harvesting the sustainability lessons provided by nature. The projects in this theme will offer bespoke accelerated scenarios on the theme – “What future healthcare system do we want?”.
The theme will also address the necessary culture, structure and process changes that need to occur with NHS organisations in order to achieve Net Zero targets.
Diagnostic Discard
prototyping plastic alternatives in diagnostic tests

Creating a sustainable textile economy for healthcare by utilising local natural fibres

Heat the Human
advancing thermal management in healthcare by developing advanced “heat the human” textiles and clothing systems, tailored for NHS Scotland users